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5 Benefits of Diy for Children

1. Develop self-confidence

To complete a handmade product independently requires the use of both hands and brains. There will be many problems in the process. If the child can insist on finishing it, it is a manifestation of perseverance. No matter what the handmade finished product is, parents should give praise and affirmation to help children build self-confidence.


2.Develop the ability to observation

When making handicrafts, it is usually some daily simple objects. At this time, the child's observation of daily life is tested. If children observe carefully, then their works will be lifelike and pay more attention to the changes in details. Over time, children naturally develop the habit of paying attention to the things around them.

3. Develop creativity

When hand-made, the teacher first provides pictures or shapes of something to guide the children to think, and then mobilizes the children's enthusiasm for production, so that the children can give full play to their imagination and create the things in their minds. This kind of handmade not only exercises the child's manual ability but also cultivates the child's creative ability.


4. Develop the hands-on ability

Handmade not only depends on the creative ability of children's minds but also allows children to put this creative ability into practice and real life, This is the best way to train children to do something independently. The whole process of manual work is done by the children themselves. It is a good way for children's hands-on ability.

5. Improve parent-child relationship

Parents and children make toys together, not just to play, but also for the best time for parents and children. The toys made by skilled parents may be better than the ones bought, while the toys made by parents who are not good at their hands may be worse. But this does not affect the children's interest in playing. In fact, parents and children have fun together with DIY toys, not because of the level of craftsmanship, but the precious company.


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